External Support

Click on each topic below for a range of companies and charities who can provide you, your child, and your family, with guidance and support.


  • Brook (inc LGBTQ+)
  • Child’s Vision
  • Clarion
  • Domestic Abuse Services (Kent)
  • FLOWS (Women Only)
  • Galop (LGBTQ+ Only)
  • Kent Police Domestic Abuse (Kent)
  • Kent Resilience Hub (Kent)
  • Love is Respect
  • Man Kind (Men Only)
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • NCDV
  • Oasis (Kent)
  • Operation Encompass
  • Refuge
  • Respect (Men Only)
  • Respect Phoneline
  • Safe Lives
  • Salus (Kent)
  • Sateda (Kent)
  • Stalking Helpline
  • Stop It Now
  • The Freedom Project
  • Women’s Aid
  • Beech House (Kent)
  • Brook (inc LGBTQ+)
  • CEOP
  • Family Matters (Kent & Bexley)
  • Galop (LGBTQ+ Only)
  • It’s Not Okay
  • Love is Respect
  • Lucy Faithfull
  • NHS Sexual Assault Services
  • Oasis (Kent)
  • Rape Crisis
  • Respond (SEND Only)
  • Safe Lives
  • Stop Abuse Together
  • Stop It Now
  • Survivor’s UK (Men Only)
  • The Children’s Society
  • The Mix
  • Brook
  • Forced Marriage
  • Galop (LGBTQ+ Only)
  • Karma Nirvana
  • The Halo Project


  • AccessAble
    Accessibility information for a range of businesses and services
  • Changing Places
    Locating Changing Places toilets for people with reduced mobility
  • Euan’s Guide
    Accessibility information for a range of businesses and services
  • ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥ Fire Safety Visit (Kent)
    ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥ visit to ensure your house is safe
  • The Advocacy People
    Help with advocating for your health, needs and accessibility requirementsÌý
  • Wheelmap
    Locating wheelchair accessible places


Try Dry App
Alcohol Tracker

  • Adfam
  • Al-Anon UK
  • Alcohol Change
  • Alcohol Toolkit
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Bottled Up
  • Change Grow Live
  • Drink Aware
  • Every Mind Matters
  • Family Lives
  • Health for Teens
  • Kenward Trust (Kent)
  • Nacoa UK
  • NHS Drink Less
  • Ok Rehab
  • The Children’s Society
  • The Mix
  • Turning Point
  • Adfam
  • Change Grow Live
  • DrugFAM
  • Family Lives
  • Health for Teens
  • Kenward Trust (Kent)
  • Ok Rehab
  • The Children’s Society
  • The Mix
  • Turning Point
  • Every Mind Matters – Vaping
  • Health for Teens – Vaping & Smoking
    Vaping – Smoking – Ìý
  • ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥ Fire Safety Visit (Kent)
    ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥ visit to ensure your house is safe
  • NHS Quit Smoking – Smoking
  • Big Deal
  • Family Lives
  • GamCare
  • Health for Teens
  • NHS Inform
  • YGAM


  • Child Bereavement Network
    For young people and adults
  • Child Bereavement UK
    For young people
  • ChildLine
    For young people

  • Cruse
    For adults
  • Grief Encounter
    For young people

  • Health for Teens
    For young people

  • Holding On Letting Go (Kent)
    For young people
  • Hope Again
    For young people

  • Kent Bereavement Service (Kent)
    For young people and adults
  • Kent Resilience Hub (Kent)
    For young people and adults
  • Slide Away
    For young people

  • Winston’s Wish
    For young people


  • Anti-Bullying Alliance
  • ChildLine
  • Every Mind Matters
  • Family Lives
  • Galop (LGBTQ+ Only)
  • Health for Teens
  • Kent Resilience Hub (Kent)
  • Kidscape


  • µþ²¹°ù²Ô²¹°ù»å´Ç’s
    For adult carers
  • Carers First
    For adult carers
  • Carers Trust
    For adult carers and young carers
  • Carers UK
    For adult carers
  • Health for Teens
    For young carers
  • Kent Young Carers (Kent)
    For young carers
  • Kinship
    For adult carers
  • Spurgeons
    For young carers

crime victims

  • Rubicon Cares (Kent)
  • The Mix
  • Victim Support


  • Access to Work
  • Citizens Advice
  • Clarion
  • Jobcentre Plus
  • Kent Adult Education (Kent)
  • Live Well (Kent)
  • Men’s Sheds
  • Mencap (for carers or people with learning disabilities)

  • Metro
  • Oasis One Stop Shop (Kent)
  • Open Learn
  • Runway Training
  • Smart Works
  • The Education People (Kent)
  • The Mix
  • Together Matters

health & send

  • Afasic
    Speech and language difficulties
  • Beams
    Disabled children
  • Beat
    Eating disorders
  • Bladder & Bowel UK
    Bladder and bowel issues
  • British Deaf Association
  • Contact
    Disabled children
  • Down’s Syndrome Association
    Down’s Syndrome
  • Dyspraxia Foundation
  • Ellenor (Kent & Bexley)
    Hospice care
  • Epilepsy Action
  • Every Turn
  • Everyday Active (Kent)
    General health and fitness
  • For Us Too
    Disabled children
  • Headway
    Brain injuries
  • Health for Teens
    General health
  • Kent Association for the Blind (Kent)
  • Leonard Cheshire
    General disabilities

  • Macmillan
  • Mental Health Matters
    Mental illness
  • Metro
    General health
  • NHS Community Health (Kent)
    General health
  • RNIB
  • RNID
  • Scope
    General disabilities
  • Sense
    Deafblindness and complex disabilities
  • Shine
    Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
  • Sibs
    Siblings of disabled people
  • SignHealth
  • Space 2 Be Me
    Disabled children
  • Speech and Language UK
    Speech and language difficulties
  • The Advocacy People
    Help with advocating for your health and needs
  • Unique
    Rare chromosome and gene disorders
  • Walk and Talk (Kent)
    General health and fitness
  • Wellmind
    Arthritis and chronic pain
  • Afasic
    Speech and language difficulties
  • Beams
    Disabled children
  • ChildLine
    Dyslexia and learning difficulties
  • Contact
    Disabled children
  • Dandelion Time (Kent)
    Vulnerable children’s activities and support
  • Dyspraxia Foundation
  • Family Lives
  • For Us Too
    Disabled children
  • Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities
    Learning disabilities
  • Health for Teens
  • KCC Children’s Centres (Kent)
  • KCC SEND Support (Kent)
  • Kent Autistic Trust (Kent)
  • Kent Family (Kent)
  • Kent School Health (Kent)
  • Kids
  • Learning Disability Team (Kent)
    Learning disabilities
  • Leonard Cheshire
    General disabilities
  • Mencap
    Learning disabilities
  • Metro
  • National Autistic Society
  • National Children’s Bureau
  • Natspec
    SEND specialist education
  • Over the Wall
    SEND activities and support
  • Respond
  • Salus (Kent)
  • Scope
    General disabilities
  • Sense
    Complex disabilities
  • Sibs
    Siblings of disabled people
  • Space 2 Be Me
    Disabled children
  • Speech and Language UK
    Speech and language difficulties
  • The Advocacy People
    Help with advocating for your health and needs
  • Turning Point
    Learning disabilities

housing & food

  • Every Turn
    Housing and homelessness
  • ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥ Fire Safety Visit (Kent)
    ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥ visit to ensure your house is safe
  • Live Well (Kent)
    Housing and homelessness
  • Mencap (for people with learning disabilities)
    Housing and homelessness
  • Nacro
    Housing and homelessness
  • Oasis One Stop Shop (Kent)
    Housing and homelessness
  • Porchlight (Kent)
    Housing and homelessness
  • Salvation Army
    Housing and homelessness
  • Sanctuary
    Housing and homelessness
  • Shelter
    Housing and homelessness
  • The Mix
    Housing and homelessness
  • The Trussell Trust


  • µþ²¹°ù²Ô²¹°ù»å´Ç’s
  • Brook
  • Family Lives
  • Galop
  • Health for Teens
  • Love is Respect
  • Mencap
  • Mental Health Matters
  • Mermaids
  • Metro
  • Stonewall
  • The Be You Project (Kent)
  • The Mix

mental health

  • Anna Freud
    Self-care resources for parents and young people
  • µþ²¹°ù²Ô²¹°ù»å´Ç’s
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Beat
    Eating disorders support
  • Brook
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • CALM
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Charlie Waller
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • ChatHealth
    Mental health messaging service
  • ChildLine
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Dandelion Time (Kent)
    Support for children who have suffered traumatic experiences
  • Emerge
    Support for young people who are in hospital from self-harm or suicide attempts
  • Every Mind Matters
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Every Turn
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Family Lives
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Heads Together
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Health for Teens
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Help for Heroes
    Support for veterans and their families
  • Hub of Hope
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • IESO
    Mental health therapy messaging service
  • Kent Family (Kent)
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Kent Resilience Hub (Kent)
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Kent School Health (Kent)
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Kooth
    General mental health support and messaging service
  • Live Well (Kent)
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Maternal Mental Health Alliance
    Mental health support before, during and after pregnancy
  • Mencap
    Mental health support for people with learning disabilities
  • Mental Health Foundation
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Mental Health Matters
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Men’s ShedsÌý(Men Only)
    Group meet-ups for support and fun projects for men
  • Metro
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Mind
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Mood Spark
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Nacro
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • NHS Inform
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • NHS Mental Health
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • NHS Mental Health Conditions
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • NHS Online Mental Health Triage
    Online mental health symptom checker
  • NHS Single Point of AccessÌý(Kent)
    Form to request mental health support
  • NHS Talking Therapies
    Find an NHS Talking therapies service
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Papyrus
    Suicide prevention and safety plans
  • Perinatal Mental Health Community Service (Kent)
    Mental health support before, during and after pregnancy
  • Place2Be
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Reach Out
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Release the Pressure (Kent)
    General mental health support and messaging service
  • Rethink Mental Illness
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Samaritans
    General mental health support and contact line
  • Sane
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Scope
    Mental health support for disabled people
  • Self-Harm UK
    Self-harm support
  • Shout Crisis Text Line
    Crisis messaging service
  • Staying Safe
    Suicide prevention and safety plans

  • SupportLine
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • The Advocacy People
    General advocacy for getting mental health support
  • The Children’s Society
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • The Mix
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Together Matters
    Tools for improving wellbeing and mental health
  • Togetherall
    Community mental health support
  • Turning Point
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Walk and Talk (Kent)
    Local walks to exercise and make friends
  • Wellmind
    Online programs to help with wellbeing and mental health
  • Young Minds
    General wellbeing and mental health support
  • Youth Access
    General mental health support and counselling
  • Zero Suicide Alliance
    Suicide prevention and safety plans

Strategies to manage self-harm

Calm Harm
Strategies to manage self-harm

Catch It
Mood diary

Chill Panda
Calming game

CBT thought diary

Clear Fear
Strategies to manage anxiety

Meditation and sleep improvement

CBT for anxiety

Sanvello (was Pacifica)
Anxiety and depression toolkit

Self-Help for the Mind (SAM)
Self-help techniques

Silver Cloud
Tools to target mental health issues

Sleep improvement programme

Prevent and manage anxiety and stress

What’s Up?
CBT and ACT support

Not available on Android

Worry Box
Anxiety and stress relief

Not available on Android

Worry Watch
Anxiety and mood tracker

Not available on Android

Anxiety therapy chatbot


  • Citizens Advice
  • Clarion
  • Family Lives
  • Gov Benefits
  • ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥ Start
  • Live Well (Kent)
  • Money and Pensions Service
  • Salvation Army
  • Step Change
  • The Mix
  • Together Matters

online safety

  • CEOP
  • Childnet
  • Every Mind Matters
  • Family Lives
  • Health for Teens
  • It’s Not Okay
  • KCC Online Safety (Kent)
  • Kent Resilience Hub (Kent)
  • National Online Safety


  • Anna Freud
  • µþ²¹°ù²Ô²¹°ù»å´Ç’s
  • Family Lives
  • Health for Teens
  • ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥ Fire Safety Visit (Kent)
  • KCC Childcare Advice (Kent)
  • KCC Children’s Centres (Kent)
  • KCC Young Parents (Kent)
  • Kent Family (Kent)
  • Kent Resilience Hub (Kent)
  • Kent School Health (Kent)
  • Kidscape
  • Maternal Mental Health Alliance
  • Perinatal Mental Health Community Service (Kent)
  • Spurgeons
  • The Challenging Behaviour Foundation
  • The Children’s Bowel & Bladder Charity – Bedwetting
  • The Incredible Years
  • Tiny Happy People


  • Brook
  • ChildLine
  • The Mix
  • °Õ´Ç³¾³¾²â’s


  • Brook
  • ChildLine
  • Every Mind Matters
  • Family Lives
  • Health for Teens
  • Kent Resilience Hub (Kent)
  • Love is Respect
  • Mencap
  • Metro
  • The Mix

sexual health & pregnancy

  • Brook
  • ChildLine
  • Health for Teens
  • Metro
  • NHS Community Health (Kent)
  • NHS Sexual Health Clinics
  • The Mix